Monday, April 7, 2014

College Fried - My Phrase of the Year

Some of you know that I'm a (older) college student. I had such a bad experience in high school that I didn't see myself paying money that I didn't have to go through more of the same torture. My family didn't have the money to send me and my grades weren't good enough to get the scholarships that were available. I went to one of the worst schools for my county and that may explain why I was ready to run from further education.
The force was against me.

I've been taking online courses since the summer of 2011 and I'm supposed to graduate this year. I'm afraid to even say the actual date as it worries me all that has to be accomplished to get to that final day. My teacher wants me to take more steps and push to be a PA (Physicians Asst). As I've seen some of the troubles of the nurses around me, I'm not thinking that I have what it would take to travel that path. But I actually have enough core classes to get three other certificates yet I'm just too burnt out to wrap my head around trying for more than what I'm finishing.
That leads me to understand that I'm not only College Fried but I've set a specific limit for my immediate future. Those lines in the sand are beneficial, if properly thought out, as they keep you from over extending yourself to dangerous levels. They can be detrimental if you set your goals too low for what you can achieve so I've thought this through the past year. "Never underestimate the strength of your own soul." ME
I've been working a full time job, writing in my free time in between semesters, attending GRW (Georgia Romance Writers) meetings, planning a few things for the annual GRW Moonlight and Magnolia Conference, and all these courses/labs at night school. I've been in night classes for the last few semesters and I'm going to bed dreaming about the procedures that I need to be able to handle safely.

Currently, I'm also working 10 hours a week at my clinicals. This is where I use my skills in a hands on setting, as I learn from others in the field. I'm not getting paid for any clinical time as it goes to credit hours in my degree. In Jun and July, I do the harder set of clinicals that are more in depth and further outside of my comfort zone. They have me wondering if I can do what I've set myself up for. But, I'm reminded by loved ones that I Can Do This, or I wouldn't have gotten this for.

I love my people.
I'm hoping that by this summer, I will be on my way to a more fulfilling career in medicine that will fit in nicely with the author in my soul. It seems that my whole life has been meant to help others. It can be in the form of Dr's, in an office setting or it could be in the words of my characters as they take you on a trip away from reality. Either way, I'm making someone feel better. That sounds wonderful to me.

)))Corset Hugs(((

Ginny Lynn

Wench Writer 

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